Sunday, November 19, 2023

Double Trouble!

 As winter tightens its grip over Michigan, I take the opportunity to squeeze POTA activations when possible. With temperatures in the upper 40s (about 5 deg C) I decided to ride down to Dodge State Park #4 K-1495. It was chillier than expected. When I reached the park, I noticed that they had removed all the picnic tables. So I was forced to activate right from my motorcycle. This means this was going to be a short activation. It was further reinforced by the icy winds blowing off of Cass Lake that was freezing my fingertips and making paddle operation difficult. 

As I was moving across the bands I first got a call from KQ4DJG which I logged. Within a few minutes, while in the midst of another QSO, I get a call from KQ4DJF. I had assumed that the caller wanted to correct the call and I responded that I got DJF. Then DJG comes back. I was confused about it and tried to asked DJG OR DJF? but got no specific response. I noted this and then went on with my other QSOs. Upon looking the QRZ it appears both calls are possibly related and almost always work together. I'm sure on SSB the confusion could have been sorted out quickly, but the CW skills were not sufficient to indicate that two stations were distinct. 

Would it have been better to send KQ4DJG ES KQ4DJF? Any experienced CW op care to comment?

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Pedestrian stuff

 T oday I went for another pedestrian mobile activation of US-1518. The bands in a great shape and I could not pass up the opportunity. It w...