Sunday, June 30, 2024


 Most POTA activations are very enjoyable. Other than band conditions and weather, the only other issue I as a hunter am concerned most is malicious QRM. 

Recently, however, I am noticing a small pattern of persistent hunters...they almost bring a contest like ferocity to the activations. They insist on blasting their calls, despite my efforts in trying to work a weaker station. For example I might hear a prefix of the weak station say K7. I will go back with a K7?.. But will get blasted with W6xxx... I cannot honestly believe this is a mistake as the prefixes are wildly apart; Sometimes repeating K7? twice the W6 station will hold their calls until I complete the QSO with K7. 

The other day however, despite me clearly going back to the K7 station with a full report, I get a report back from the W6 station [599 both ways by the way]. I had no option but to acknowledge the W6 to get it out the way. Eventually, I went back to the K7 station who mercifully was still there and completed the QSO. 

In this instance, I was operating during the golden gray line hour for this particular activation and I was having good propagation to the western part of the continent. I can understand that stations may be eager either to work this particular park or work my call. I as a hunter rarely ever QRT if there are callers coming back to me. So there is no reason to rush it. 

What was surprising was that the W6 station turns out to be a seasoned long-time ham. Is the competitive spirit and gamification in POTA driving the simple etiquette out? 

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